Joanna Brownridge at work

I was born in Glasgow, Scotland and always felt a strong early interest in drawing and painting.  It was years later however before I  consolidated my passion,  studying Fine Art at Amersham College, Farnham College of Art and Design and finally achieving a Masters in Fine Art at Wimbledon Art School in London.  During this period although some time was spent investigating digital photographic manipulation and video, I am now painting.

I live and work and exhibit in Buckinghamshire but travel to Italy, Spain, the Middle East and Europe to collect information in sketchbooks and photographs from direct observation of the landscape.  I am involved in several local art clubs and societies.

It is the abstraction of geological structures in the environment, the manipulation of collage and various paints and materials that holds my interest.  Perspective and illusion are not as  important as patterns, designs and exaggerated colours and textures in the making of the paintings.